About Me

An old retiree with the luxury of time to read, write blogs and capture photographic images of life to be shared with everyone who cares to share.

The picture of the header is the old signage at the railway station which has undergone complete renovation.


  1. salam, happy ramadhan, wish to get know u pakcik
    im blogger too,
    asrol,pasir puteh

  2. nice websites.

  3. Asrol,
    Terima kasih atas komentar anda. Saya amat berbesar hati atas kesudian Asrol untuk berkenalan dangan lebih dekat. Saya tiada halangan untuk yujuan ini.

  4. hi zawi…

    nice website… is it the right time to visit kota baru during the ramadan month…

    ~chia (vt)

    Hi Chia,
    Yes if you are looking for food to enjoy and experience it is the best of time. When are you coming over?

  5. Ah, so you are the “Mohd Zawi” who had visited my site and left the comment!

    I might not know you (and vice versa) … But then, we might have come across each other, for how big really is Pasir Mas:-)

    I’ve added BOTH of your blogs to my list. This one, after all, is the definitive site for Pasir Mas. As far as I know, yours is THE BEST. I’ve bookmarked it and will definitely be coming here quite frequently.

    • assalamualaikum.. huhu dlam sebok menggoogle pasal pasir mas, terbaca uncle punye. nice to hv someone who really love n care about pasir mas so much, since im staying there! 🙂 actually im preparing for my ielts n get ready for hometown topic. tq

      • Maafla bab uncle lama tak update blog ni walaupun banyak benda nak tulis. Mood dah hilang.

  6. Cendana,
    Even if we have met we wouldnt know of each other as I have not seen your picture and I dont look like my picture in real life.
    If you meet someone wearing semutar in Pasir Mas, then there is a chance that it could be me hehehehe cos sometimes I do that.
    Thank you for the compliments. To be the best I will have to do better. I am happy if there are people like you out there who would read what I write.
    Thank you for adding a link to my site.

  7. salam,

    saya mintak izin letak link https://mohdzawi.wordpress.com di kelatekito.com sebagai wakil daerah pasir mas.

    webmaster/blogger kelatekito.com

  8. salam..hj zawi..
    tahniah..keep up the gud work!

  9. fareast,
    Thank you. Its support from people like you that keep me going.

  10. Uncle,

    U do a great job!! Well Done!!

  11. Hafizie,
    Terima kasih. Anaknda telah memberi semangat kepada Uncle untuk terus menulis.

  12. Abe wi, teruskan usaha. Well done.
    Saya bermungkinan buat tesis pasal pasir mas nanti,
    cuma tajuk kajian masih belum pasti

  13. lancer,
    Bagusla kalau buat tesis mengenai Pasir Mas. Sekiranya memerlukan apa bantuan yang saya boleh tolong. InsyaAllah saya akan tolong.

  14. seronok baca cite pasir mas kat cni .. menarik .. saya org kpg Kutan

  15. Suraya,
    Terima kasih kerana sudi mengunjung. Ini memberi perangsang nak menulis lagi mengenai Pasir Mas. Malangnya sibuk sikit akhir-akhir ni kerana ada dateline untuk articles kena siap.

  16. Sdr Zawi,
    Banyak yang saudara tulis mengingatkan kembali tentang sejarah Pasir Mas my hometown juga. Tapi saya tak kenal sdr kerana senior saya untuk beberapa tahun di SIS. I hope you will continue to write. TQ

    • Sdr. Ahmad Zahidi,
      Terima kasih kerana sudi mengunjung. Tak ada masalah untuk berkenalan walupun kita berbeza umur. Saya tinggal di Kasa depan sekolah.

  17. Pak Zawi

    Great to have a blog like that talking about things happening in Pasir Mas.

    I suppose it must be very serene as any east coast township.

    I was in Kota Bahru last month. Noted the orang Kelate are very kind and helpful.

    Pak Zawi, I am looking for orang Kelate to do so business together with me to build up the Kelantan market.

    For more information, please visit my blogs at:-


    I can also be contacted at: 012-3701961 or via email at just4anything@gmail.com

    You may also link my websites to yours to enable all your readers to catch the latest health news.

  18. Assalaamu’alaikum Pok Zawi.

    Do you know this man? A fellow Golden Sander.

    Sorry for the late response. Not been visiting My Pasir Mas for sometimes. Saya tak kenal Prof tu tapi saya akan buat inquiry kat Kg Dangar untuk mengetahui sedikit sebanyak mengenainya.

  19. OK. He is kind of “famous.” His name is Hashim. He is only two years your senior at SIS. I wrote a bit about him here.

  20. Salam uncle…

    Nice website

    keep it up!!!

    • Natasha,
      Thanks for the visit. Sorry la uncle dah lama tak update blog ni. Banyak benda nak tulis tapi kekadang berbelah bagi nak blog sini atau kat LAISI. Cuba jengok kat LAISI sama bab ada benda baru uncle nak post sana.

  21. Salam, Pak Zawi, Memang menarik blog ni. Jadi rindu pulak kat Pasir Mas. Saya jarang benar balik ke sana. Ada satu yang menarik ttg Pasir Mas ialah pasal orang perempuannya yang dikatakan kebanyakannya cantik-cantik. Bila saya introduce kat orang lain yang saya orang Pasir Mas, selalunya diaorang akan kata “Eh, orang-orang perempuan Pasir Mas comel-comel kan. Kalau ada orang tempat aku dapat kahwin dengan orang Pasir mas, ssoho dia”. Betul ke ni Pak Zawi?

    • Termizi,
      Salam kembali.
      Blog menarik tapi saya tak bersemangat nak buat pos baru sejak berpeluang menulis untuk dua majalah sekarang. Tak lama lagi akan bertambah satu majalah lagi yang saya akan kena contribute artikel. Justeru tumpuan saya cuma pada LAISI saja le.
      Wanita cantik ada dimana mana bukan di Pasir Mas saja. Di KL lagi ramai bab dari semua pelusuk negara pergi kesana.

  22. salam,

    bagusla kalau demo buat blog lagu ni… banyak sejarah silam ambo di pasir mas… terutama rumah org tua ambo… KEDAI ABU – Depan balai polis pasir mas yg di buka oleh arwah ayoh ambo pada 31 ogos 1957..1st day of merdeka!..

    anok abu pasir mas

  23. Salam perkenalan.

    Ambo dulu aduk kat Pm,dekat kg,Jias.Banyak adah yg berubah.

    Gambar-agambar yang dipaparakan meme menarik.Teruskan

    Jum,seleke ke blog ambo.

  24. Salam perkenalan.

    Saya dulu pernah tinggal di PM,dekat Kg.Jias.Kini banyak sang sudah berubah.

    Gambar-gambar yang dipaparkan memang menarik,teruskan !

    Silalah berkunjung ke blog saya

    • Itulah Aku,
      Memang Pasir Mas telah banyak berubah bagi mereka yang telah lama tidak pulang. Perubahan akan lagi ketara apabila Pejabat2 Pentadbiran berpindah ke Bandar Baru Pasir Mas nanti.

  25. salam zawi,

    pejabat pentadbiran pindak ke pasir mas?? bila & kenapa…buke di kota darulnaim lagi ko?

  26. Pejabat Tanah Jajahana Pasir Mas sedangdibina di Bandar Baru Pasir Mas. Apabila siap nanti semua pejabat ini akan dipindahkan dari pejabat yang ada sekarang e Bandar Baru. Bila saya pun tak pasti.

  27. Assalamualaikum,

    Saya nak mengucapkan terima kasih kerana info mengenai penginapan di Pasir Mas ini sangat berguna.

    Returning to Pasir Mas, my hometown, has been an annual affair but before this we stayed in either Kota Bharu or Rantau Panjang because we never knew that there is any hotel or inn or guesthouse in Pasir Mas. So, chance encounter of your blog is very timely for our next return.

    Terima kasih.

    • Zuraishah,
      I am so happy if you find the post useful. I had people like you in mind when I did the post. Hope you will try to stay in anyone of them and share your experience with us. If you dont have a blog yet, pls get one otherwise just email me your story and I will use it as a post. At least people will know how good or bad the guesthouse is and we can get the owner to reciprocate.

  28. i am married to (a girl frm) PM for twenty something years now. I enjoy the serene life around the once bustling 2nd largest town in Kelantan every time i set feet on the golden sands.i go PM at least three times a year.Good break from the hustle and bustle of noisy Klang Valley.It recharges the battery and I come back revitalised.Though the petrol thru my old guzzler is denting the pocket.

    Hope to learn more of the background of the town from your blog.

    Keep up the good work. Salaam.

    • Salim,
      The next time you come back to Pasir Mas, do call me at 0199125647 for a cup of coffee somewhere. I am sorry for now updating this site as I have not found anything interesting to post as I am concentrating on my other site LAISI at http://mohdzawi.blogspot.com

  29. Bagus jugak blog abang wi nih. Kalau boleh tolong paparkan motobot lama.(moto sungai) dari seberang pasir mas, Salor ke Bandar Pasir Mas, cerita sebelum ada jambatan Salor. Saya pun orang Salor tapi dah menetap di Kuantan.Nak tahu juga tentang pasar lama dekat Bomba.

  30. Assalamualaikum,

    Pertama sekali terima kasih kerana menyediakan maklumat yg berguna utk pengunjung pasir mas..
    Utk makluman, saya merupakan pemilik Putera Guest House yg tuan paparkan..
    saya ingin membetulkan sedikit maklumat spt di bawah:
    1. No untuk tempahan: 013 3400409, 019 9890409 – Che Min
    2. Harga RM200.00 perday perhouse (low season & peak season)

    Sekian, tk.

    • Che Min, nanti saya akan masukkan.

  31. Assalamualaikum…..
    Salam perkenalan. Begitu terharu dengan article My Pasir Mas. Lebih mengingatkan saya way back 1973 – 1973. Pernah tinggal di Lorong Pak Nik Man seberang jalan KTM….. Guru Sandaran & mengajar di SMR To’ Uban ketika itu. Persimpangan Sin Ah Hotel itulah saban hari tempat kami berkumpul menaiki kereta Guru Besar _ Cikgu Hassan Ahmad untuk ke Kg To’ Uban. Mula bertugas di KL November 1973 di beberapa Jab Kerajaan hingga bersara Disember 2006. Wassalam..

    • Waalaikummussalam Noor Din,
      Sudah pastinya anda mempunyai banyak kenangan manis mengenai Pasir Mas yang dahulu. Kini stesyen keretapi depan Sin Ah Hotel sudah berubah dengan terbinanya stesyen baru. Sin Ah Hotel sudah lama tiada.

  32. Lots Of Information…
    Since I’m from Golden Sand to. but not know those thing and story mory like U… but the post is very usefull…

    • Thank you.

  33. Am looking for a En. Mohd Azli Hashim , his last address was Kampung Bakong Kecil , 17000 Pasir Mas. He came to our factory for an interview & left a lot or personal documents behind. Looking fo rhim to return the documents . His school was SEKOLAH MENEGAH KEBANGSAAN MERANTI , born year 1991 . Thank you

    • Miss Yap, I will try to find him.

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